502-452-9541 info@bpbaptist.org

Welcome to the Buechel Park Youth Group!

Youth gather together regularly to study the Bible, talk about what it means and looks like to follow Jesus, and engage in missions both near and far. We also have a lot of fun together! If you are looking for a place to belong, to be honest about who you are and what’s happening in your life, to explore and ask questions about faith, BPBC Youth Ministry is for YOU!

Youth programming is offered for 6th – 12th grade (6th graders go through a “transition year” in which they can take part in children’s and/or youth programming at the discretion of parents and pastors.)

To find out more, please contact Rachel Sherron, Associate Pastor for Children & Youth. or you are more than welcome to come to any of our regularly scheduled gatherings or special events.

Regular Activities & Information

Small Group: Sundays at 9:45 am

Youth Small Group is for youth in grades 6-12. We meet in the youth suite on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45 am. In this hour, we learn about the Bible and discuss many issues about life and faith. 

Youth in Worship: Sundays at 10:55 am

At Buechel Park, we believe that youth should be welcomed into the full worship experience of the church body. Youth are encouraged to listen, sing, and participate. We often have opportunities to lead in worship as well, reading Scripture, collecting offering, and learning to engage deeply in faith together.

The Worship Cart is filled with resources for children, youth, and worshipers of all ages who would like to creatively engage in worship. There are crayons and pencils, paper and coloring pages, clipboards, quiet fidget and sensory items, along with rotating seasonal items and complete with a canvas bag to borrow all of your supplies in.

Creative Arts: Sundays at Noon

Youth Creative Arts includes youth choir, hand bells, ukuleles, drama, and more! We meet most Sundays after worship from 12:00 – 12:30 pm either in the youth suite or in the music suite on the 3rd floor to learn and prepare different kinds of creative arts to lead in worship. 

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