502-452-9541 info@bpbaptist.org

Welcome to Buechel Park Children & Family Ministry!

We are a church who loves our children. Here, we seek to demonstrate the love of Christ to through care and safety, developmentally appropriate lessons that engage kids where they are, and a wealth of opportunities to be involved in the life of the church beyond children’s programming.

Children’s programming is offered for birth – 6th grade (6th graders go through a “transition year” in which they can take part in children’s and/or youth programming with the guidance of parents and pastors.)

To find out more, please contact Rachel Sherron, Associate Pastor for Children & Youth. or you are more than welcome to come to any of our regularly scheduled gatherings or special events.

Regular Activities & Information

Godly Play: Sundays at 9:45 am

Godly Play is offered for children ages 4 – 5th grade and meets on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45 am.

“What is Godly Play? Children have an innate sense of the presence of God. The Godly Play approach helps them to explore their faith through story, to gain religious language and to enhance their spiritual experience through wonder and play. Based on Montessori principles and developed using a spiral curriculum, the Godly Play method serves children through early, middle and late childhood and beyond.”

Children in Worship: Sundays at 10:55 am

At Buechel Park, we believe that children should be welcomed into the full worship experience of the church body.  However, we also know that children thrive with additional resources to help them learn and engage.

Nursery is available each Sunday for infants – age 3.

Children’s Moments are offered for children during the worship hour. Children are invited to the front of the sanctuary to hear a short message to help them connect with the Scripture and/or theme of the day.

Worship Wonder is offered for children ages 4 – 5th grade many Sunday mornings, following the Children’s Moment. We do not usually meet on Communion Sundays, holiday weekends, or on high Sundays with an intergenerational worship emphasis.

The Worship Cart is filled with resources for children and worshipers of all ages who would like to creatively engage in worship. There are activity-based worship guides, children’s Bibles and books, crayons and pencils, paper and coloring pages, clipboards, quiet fidget and sensory items, along with rotating seasonal items and complete with a canvas bag to borrow all of your supplies in.

Alleluia Kids (Music & More!): Sundays at Noon

Alleluia Kids is our music and more program, which includes children’s choir, handbells and other instruments, drama, and other creative worship arts. This group meets after worship most Sundays from Noon – 12:30 pm. Children of all ages are invited to gather in Alleluia Music room in the Music Suite, on the 3rd floor, following the morning service to learn about music and to prepare to lead the congregation in worship. 

Nursery & Preschool

During worship, nursery is provided for ages 3 and younger, though parents are more than welcome to bring infants and young children with them to worship if they wish. During this time, the nursery is staffed by Nicole Davis, Preschool Director and a rotation of trained volunteers.

Receive Text Updates

If you would like to receive regular texts that keep you up to date about BPBC Children and Family Ministry activities, please text @bpbckids to 81010. Any replies you make to texts go directly to Pastor Rachel (not a group text).


Receive text updates about Buechel Park Children’s Ministry!  Just text

@bpbckids to 81010.

Join our private Facebook group, BPBC Children & Youth Ministries for connection with other families, detailed information about events, and spiritual formation resources.