502-452-9541 info@bpbaptist.org

I’m New Here

Welcome to Buechel Park! We want to make sure that your first experiences in our building and with our community of faith are as positive and life-giving as they can be. If you have any other questions about the life of our church, worship services, or our missions and ministries, please feel free to reach out to us at info@bpbaptist.org or by calling the church office at 502-452-9541.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located? Where do I park?

We are located at:

2403 Hikes Lane

Louisville, KY 40218

Worship Location – The easiest way to enter for worship is through the main doors located on the front most part of our building, closest to Hikes Lane. You will be greeted and handed a worship guide that will help you follow along with the service.

Office Location – Come to the front doors facing Hikes Lane that are labeled “Education Building” above the door. During the week, you will use the buzzer located on the right side. Our offices are located on the 2nd floor, which are accessible by a half-flight of stairs or by elevator. When you exit the stairs or elevator, turn right and follow the signs down the hallway to our offices.

Bible Study / Meeting Rooms – To access rooms for Bible studies, meetings, or other gatherings not in the sanctuary or gym, you will either enter by the front doors facing Hikes Lane that are labeled “Education Building” above the door, or by the side entrances.

Side Entrance – If you are coming to the building for Senior Nutrition, YMCA Basketball, Rock Steady Boxing, Karate, other gatherings in the gym or fellowship hall, drive or walk to the back of the parking lot by the playground. You will see a courtyard and doors leading to the gym and fellowship hall.

Parking – We have a large parking lot in front of our building. Accessible spaces are located near the main worship entrance and by the gym.

What should I wear?
On Sundays, you will find people wearing a wide variety of attire. Some may choose to wear more formal clothing, while others come in jeans and t-shirts. You are welcome to wear what makes you feel most comfortable.
What is worship like?

All are invited to participate fully in worship.

Style – Our worship services are intergenerational and led by pastors as well as laity. We observe the Church Year, a meaningful rhythm designed to guide the faith community in the full range hearing and studying the Bible. Throughout the church year, we celebrate the mystery and power of our faith: the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that moves us to listen for and to God’s call: which is to be the church and to be on mission. During worship, ministers often wear clergy robes and stoles with the liturgical color for that day.

Music – Our music consists of hymn singing as well as pieces played on the organ, piano, and sometimes guitar or other instruments. We have a choir and vocal ensembles as well as a handbell choir. Most would describe our worship style as traditional. We are also intentional about blending contemporary elements into our services that connect with people of all ages and many preferences.

Communion – We typically observe communion on the first Sunday of each month by passing plates or by coming forward to receive the bread and juice. All are welcome at the Lord’s table as recipients of God’s love and grace. 

Offering – Offerings are given by our members and regular participants to support our ministries and missions. Guests are not expected to contribute unless you feel led to do so.

What is offered for children and teenagers?

Nursery is provided during worship for ages 3 and younger.

Ages 4 – 5th grade join us for worship, but on many Sundays, are dismissed mid-service to Worship Wonder following the Children’s Moment. Worship Wonder is a time for children to explore the Scripture and/or theme of the morning in more depth and age-appropriateness. Hands-on worship resources are also available in the narthex for worshippers of all ages, but these are designed with children in mind. For more information about what we offer for children, visit Ministry with Children and Families.

Youth (generally in 6th-12th grade) worship alongside adults on Sunday mornings. They often sit together. For more information about what we offer for youth, visit Ministry with Youth.

How do I join the church?

We receive members by profession of faith and baptism, transfer of letter, statement, or watch care. If you wish to join this congregation, you may talk to any ministerial staff member after the service or by appointment. When you are ready, you may come forward during the Hymn of Response toward the end of a worship service to speak to a pastor and share your decision with the congregation. If you are not comfortable coming forward, that’s ok! Simply talk to one of our pastors about this.