Our Faith & Mission
Having experienced God’s saving grace, we the people of the Buechel Park Baptist Church, 2403 Hikes Lane in Louisville, Kentucky, do gather this fellowship of baptized believers upon the foundation of our common faith commitment to God revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord. The eternal and loving God has called us in Christ from death into life to form a fellowship of love for one another and mission to the world around us. As we gather for worship, education, missions and ministry, we celebrate our unique heritage and identity as Baptists. However, we acknowledge a larger church including all who share our faith in Christ. We joyfully work with other Baptists as well as other Christian denominations and interfaith partnerships in service to the Kingdom of God.
We believe that every Christian is called as a responsible minister to the “priesthood of all believers.” We therefore respect every person’s freedom before God and direct access to God. We acknowledge and affirm the diversity of gifts, backgrounds, and ages, welcoming all persons to participate fully in all aspects of the life and ministry of our church, including but not limited to, race, ethnicity, nationality, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, marital status, ability level, education level, economic circumstances and opinions. We declare our unity in Christian love to be greater than our differences. We have only one Lord. We seek to avoid the centralization of power over the congregation in the hands of any person or group, and to give equal voice to all members.
Because God has lovingly forgiven us, we are called to be open and forgiving towards others outside as well as inside the church. We strive to place the needs of persons above the importance of things. With our Lord, we have been called not to judge and condemn the world but to be instruments of the Spirit of God for the salvation of all.
We therefore join together in a covenant of commitment to the mission of the Buechel Park Baptist Church:
We are an inclusive community of faith, rooted in the love of Jesus Christ, growing, serving and transforming lives.
Our mission is to grow, serve and transform lives by:
Worshiping our God as a community who gathers regularly to preach the Gospel, and glorify and praise our God;
Serving as disciples of Christ as faithful and active witnesses to our salvation in Christ;
Caring for the spiritual and physical needs of all people inside and outside our community of faith;
Promoting the Kingdom of God, to empower disciples through a vital diverse ministry and mission opportunities, to minister to the spiritual growth of our people, to be priests to one another, to build the fellowship of this family of God.
Our Logo & Mission Statement
What is the meaning behind our logo & mission statement?
We are an inclusive community of faith
rooted in the love of Jesus Christ
growing, serving and transforming lives.
The Tree:
At first glance the image is a tree blossoming with colorful leaves. The tree represents vitality, growth and the seasons of life. We are a community of faith that follows the seasons of creation and the seasons of the church. From worship in our sanctuary to work in our gardens we embrace the cycles of life each year.
The Roots:
The tree has roots that connect us with the second line of our mission statement “rooted in the love of Jesus Christ.” The foundation of our faith and church is the love of Jesus Christ. Everything we do from bible study to missions work comes out of the love of God.
The Trunk:
The trunk is one and yet at a closer look there are three visible. This three in one trunk not only represents our Triune God but also the the three dimensional ministry of our mission statement, “growing, serving and transforming lives.” We are one body, the body of Christ, made up of three movements.
The Leaves:
The leaves are bright and colorful, enlightening the diversity of all God’s children. “We are an inclusive community of faith,” which means our branches include all people no matter their religious, cultural or family background. No matter who God has created us each to uniquely be, we are all part of God’s Church, partnering in God’s transforming work alongside one another.
BPBC Name and Circle:
Buechel Park Baptist Church is encircled in purple and green around the logo. The circle can represent many spiritual aspects like God’s eternal love and work in the work or the cyclical seasons. Purple is the color of redemption as we see through the season of Lent. Green represents the renewal of life that we see in ordinary time.
Affiliations & Partnerships
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is a Christian network of individuals and churches working together to spread the hope of Christ. Our diverse community includes partners all over the globe, and our fellowship supports a wide range of missions and ministries that give people meaningful opportunities to put their faith into action.
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Kentucky
CBF Kentucky is a fellowship of churches and individuals who are committed to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. CBF Kentucky’s mission is three-fold: 1) to help churches partner with one another and with other organizations that share a similar philosophy and goal; 2) to provide resources for churches and individuals as they do their work; and 3) to encourage involvement in missions and ministries in local communities, throughout the state, and globally.
Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists
Since 1993 AWAB has been supporting churches in being and becoming Welcoming and Affirming of all people regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. We work as individuals, congregations, regional groupings and as a national body to advance the Radical Welcome and Love of God in Jesus Christ through being the Ministry of Reconciliation and building up the Beloved Community where all will be one.
Baptist Women in Ministry
BWIM supports women who pursue ministry and leadership with sustaining resources and community, and advocates for the full affirmation of women in ministry and leadership in Baptist life.
Baptist World Alliance
The Baptist World Alliance is a global movement of Baptists sharing a common confession of faith in Jesus Christ bonded together by God’s love to support, encourage and strengthen one another while proclaiming and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit before a lost and hurting world.
Baptist Joint Committee
As the only national faith-based group solely focused on protecting religious freedom for all, we file briefs in pivotal Supreme Court cases, advocate for and against legislation, testify in Congress and unite with others across faiths to ensure that every American has — and always will have — the right to follow spiritual beliefs.