CBF Kentucky Extreme Build

Building a Legacy of God’s Love
For thirteen years, CBF KY has united churches across the state for one extreme mission work that takes place in the eastern Kentucky’s impoverished McCreary County. Last year, we celebrated God’s work through Baptist efforts with an Extreme Build Jubilee, a Repair Affair with over seventy folks working together on half a dozen improvement projects across the county. This coming summer, our fourteenth year, we will be building another house and we need more hands and more hearts to partner together.
After thirteen successful years, our work crews are in need of replenishing. We need more of our Baptist brothers and sisters from all regions of this great state, east to west and north to south to come work for a few days. Remember that we are the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship for a reason. We are Baptist who refuse to fly solo, who are willing to set aside our local doctrinal differences in order to unite under one God – our God who continues to call us together in the work of resurrection.
We need your families, we need you to step up and serve with us. Extreme Build is a nationally recognized effort that is leaving a legacy. CBF KY is building new possibilities that empower and encourage all followers of Jesus under one mission. In a world of fear and division, Extreme Build brings courageous folks together to hammer, hang, saw, sow, paint, plum, build and give birth to new life in a forgotten county.
This year, Extreme Build is forming small crews to tackle individual house projects such as dry walling, flooring, painting and decking. We are calling for skilled workers to sign up to lead a crew for one to two days. Each crew will have a set amount of members both experienced and inexperienced to accomplish the task together. Our goals it to have crew leaders in place before thanksgiving and each crew filled with team members by March 1st.
Extreme Build is building a legacy of resurrection. CBF KY sees the devastation and death in communities across our state and stays committed to God’s work of redemption. If you are a contractor, a teacher, an engineer, a college student, a computer whiz, a pastor, a mother, a dentist, or just a person who loves to paint, we need your wiling hands.
Whoever you are, wherever you live join us this summer and help build a legacy, a legacy that transforms the lives of all God’s children.